hello alcohollywood!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

d:do our past REALLY have to have a present..
d:can we get to a future if our past is a present?
e:no our past do not really have to a share of our present. but it does mould our present and our being. altho not completely but it doesnt not refute the fact that it does influence and the issue of degree is another matter
e:and as for the second question i have no FRIGGIN idea what ure talking abt
e:too warped for me lar
d: meaning,if your PAST, is a PRESENT.. can you get to a FUTURE?
e: ur past is not your present. your past is part of your present and therefore u will get a future. and even if ur past is your present. u will still get a future because there is a present, only that is made up for ur past


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